Sean Baker had already won me over ten times with The Florida Project and now he’s back with a cautionary tale, halfway between tragedy and comedy. Anora, Ani as she prefers to be called, seems to hit the jackpot when she marries a (very young) rich Russian boy in Vegas and leaves behind her escort life. But what feels like a dream at first soon turns into a disenchanted love story.
Don’t Fall For A Mama’s Boy
Sometimes the big bad wolf is just disguised as a lost lamb. If Anora teaches us anything, it is that a boy who wants to piss off his parents by marrying you is a big red flag. If Ivan is rich and free, he’s still the one looking for an escape. Ani isn’t waiting for a knight to save her. So what is she looking for? Fun? Acknowledgment? Love? Easy money? Happiness?
It feels as if Ani’s poor choice in life is just falling for the wrong guy, the curse of so many girls. But that this bad choice is because of her lack of self esteem, of self love.
SelfLove Prevail
Ani is disillusioned, and all the signs she misses – or doesn’t want to see – we see. Just like her fragile side that Igor seems to get since the beginning. So it just feels like Igor is here to check on the spectator just like he’s checking on Ani, making sure she’s fine, she doesn’t get hurt too much while she feels all fierce and brave.
As the chase for Ivan starts, NYC’s icy weather is like a cold shower waking up Ani from her Cinderella story. Just a violent slap in the face to remind her that this world is made of very different social classes, and Ivan’s and hers aren’t meant to mix. But most importantly, the consequences aren’t the same for everyone.
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